special adj. (opp. general, ordinary, usual) 1.特别的,特殊的。 2.专门的;专用的;特设的。 3.额外的,临时附加的。 4.特别亲密的(朋友)。 n. 1.特别的人,特别警卫员,特使。 2.特别考试。 3.特别的东西;临时(列)车,专车;新闻号外,特刊,特稿,特别通讯,特约稿;特制影片。 4.〔美国〕选科生;特别生 (opp. regular student)。 5.【医学】特别护士。 6.〔美国〕特制品。 a special case 特例。 special duty 特殊任务。 a special purpose computer 专用计算机。 special anatomy 解剖学各论。 a special constable 临时警察。 in special 格外,特别。 one's special chair 专用椅子。 n. -ism (学科等)专精一门;专业;特例。 n. -ist 专家;专科医生 (a specialist in diseases of the heart 心脏病专家)。 adv. -ly ,-ness n. 特殊,专门。
Sliding support for galeries . special sections th . specifications . acceptance testing 采煤设备. th型剖面金属滑动棚架.规范.验收条件
Recently , websites such as sohu . com , set up special sections for people to " divulge their salaries " 近日,搜狐等网站设立了一些所谓的“晒工资”专区。
Cold - applied tape coatings for the exterior of special sections , connections , and fittings for steel water pipelines 供水钢管专用型钢连接件和配件外部的低温胶带包覆层
S such as sohu . com , set up special sections for people to " the result was that the incomes of almost all industries were exposed 在这股风潮的拉动下,几乎所有行业的工资都被人们“晒”了出来。
Heat shrinkable crosslinked polyolefin coatings for the exterior of special sections , connections , and fittings for steel water pipelines 供水钢管专用型钢连接件和配件外部可热收缩交联的聚烯烃涂层
Lauren : the july issue has a special section on digital products , which will ensure our product a top spot in the features section 七月刊有数码产品专栏,而且我们的产品会放在特色产品栏目最显眼的地方。
Two layer nylon - 11 based polyamide coating system for interior and exterior of steel water pipe , connections , fittings and special sections 钢水管连接件配件及特殊部件的内外两层尼龙11基聚酰胺涂覆系统
Recently , websites such as sohu . com , set up special sections for people to " the result was that the incomes of almost all industries were exposed 在这股风潮的拉动下,几乎所有行业的工资都被人们“晒”了出来。